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Gender Identity

AGAB - Assigned Gender At Birth; AFAB for assigned female and AMAB for assigned male

Agender - A lack of gender and/or an entirely neutral gender

CAFAB/CAMAB - Coercively Assigned Female/Male At Birth, a term used exclusively by intersex individuals

Cisgender (Cis) - Identitying as the gender you were assigned at birth, such as being an AFAB woman

Demiboy/male/guy - Partially, but not entirely, identifying as a boy/man

Demigirl/woman/lady - Partially, but not entirely, identifying as a girl/woman

Dyadic - Not born intersex

FTF - Female to female, a trans woman who does not identify as having ever been male as she was always truly a woman

FTM - Female to male, an AFAB/transgender man

Intergender - A gender used primarily by intersex individuals who feel between male and female

Intersex - A third sex for those born with/naturally developing primary or secondary sex characteristics that don’t fall in line with the traditional categories of male and female

Genderfluid - Having a gender identity that shifts over time

Genderflux - Having a gender identity that shifts in between specific/limited identities over time

MTF - Male to female, an AMAB/transgender woman

MTM - Male to male, a trans man who does not identify as having ever been female as he was always truly a man

Muxe - In Zapotec culture, an AMAB person who presents in a feminine manner; often considered a third gender

Neurogender - Gender identities used by neurodivergent people to reflect how their neurodivergence affects their experience of their gender (ie autigender)

Neutrois - A neutral/null gender

Nonbinary (NB or enby) - An umbrella term for any gender identity that doesn't strictly fall into the male/femake binary

Pangender - A gender identity that includes all genders

Transgender (Trans) - Having a gender other than your AGAB

Transsex - A trans person not born intersex, but who through surgery or HRT no longer meets the traditional definition of binary sex

Two-Spirit - A Native umbrella term for Natives who fulfill the role of a third gender and/or identify as blending male & female

Xenogenders - Gender identities falling out of popular notions of what a gender is, such as neurogenders and noungenders

Transgender Pride Flag.png

The transgender pride flag

Gender Identity
Pride Flag.jpg

The pride flag


Achillean - A man or enby who is attracted to other men and enbies, but who may or may not be attracted to other genders

Alloromantic - Experiencing romantic attraction

Aroace - Someone who is both aromantic and asexual

Aromantic (Aro) - Feeling little to no romantic attraction or on the aromantic spectrum

Asexual (Ace) - Feeling little to no sexual attraction or on the asexual spectrum

Bi - Attracted to multiple genders (ie bisexual, biromantic)

Diamoric - An enby who is attracted to other enbies, but who may or may not be attracted to other genders, AKA Dionysian

Enbian - A diamoric orientation

Gay - Typically someone attracted to the same gender, though it's often used as an LGBTQ+ umbrella term

Gaybian - Someone who is both gay (MLM) and lesbian (WLW), usually due to having a fluid, varied or mixed gender. They may be considered bi

Hetero (Straight) - Attracted to the opposite binary gender (ie heteroromantic, heterosexual)

Lesbian - A woman or enby who is attracted (usually exclusively) to other women and enbies

Pan - Attracted to all genders (ie pansexual, panromantic)

Sapphic - A woman or enby who is attracted to other women or enbies, but who may or may not be attracted to other genders

Toric - Nonbinary person attracted to men

Trixic - Nonbinary person attracted to women

Queer - An umbrella term that may be claimed by anyone who isnt heterosexual, heteroromantic and/or cisgender

Types of Attraction

Prefixes (ie 'bi-' or 'hetero-') are added to describe who someone does or doesn't experience these types of attraction to, but they may be used on their own to refer to attraction or relationships. For example, a panromantic person experiences romantic attraction towards all genders.

Aesthetic - An appreciation for someone’s outward appearance in a way that isn’t based in romance/sexual appeal

Alterous - Attraction where it’s difficult impossible to distinguish between platonic or romantic attraction

Emotional - Non-physical attraction to someone for their personality, mind, etc.

Platonic - Desiring a platonic relationship with someone, such as being friends or sharing a sibling-type bond

Romantic - Wanting a romantic relationship with someone

Sensual - Desiring physical contact with someone, such as cuddling, hand holding, or hugging, in a way that isn’t solely sexual/romantic
Sexual - Desiring sexual contact or a sexual relationship with someone

Queerplatonic - Desiring a relationship that defies typical ideas of platonic and romantic relationships, a form of attraction that blends or exists out of platonic/romantic attraction


College students sharing their pronouns! ((LA Johnson/NPR))


This list isn't exhaustive; for guides on other pronouns, try searching on All pronouns link to usage guides.


Standard Pronouns (pronouns conventionally for individuals):

he/him - typically used by masculine individuals

she/her - typically used by feminine individuals

they/them - singular, typically used by nonbinary individuals or people with an unknown gender


Non-Standard Pronouns (non-neopronouns that aren't conventionally used for individuals):

it/its - singular, often used by neurodivergent and nonbinary people (only use with consent or when asked)

one/one's - singular, often used for someone of unknown gender

no pronouns - referring to someone by only their name


Common Neopronouns (literally 'new pronouns'):

e/em - AKA 'Spivak pronouns', created in 1990

fae/faer - one of the most common nounpronouns made in 2013

per/pers - AKA 'person pronouns', coined in 1972

thon/thons - a gender neutral neopronoun made in 1858

xe/xem - gender neutral, coined in 1973


Nominative Pronouns (pronouns with only one form):

a - a centuries old singular pronoun, used in some of Britain
yo - a genderless pronoun from AAVE in Baltimore, MD


Non-English (neopronouns for use in other languages):

elle - Spanish, gender neutral (alternative to el/ella)

hen - Swedish, gender neutral (alternative to hon/han)

Outdated Terms/Phrases/Symbols

‘Trapped in the wrong body’ - A simplification of trans identity, harmful because many trans people believe their body isn’t wrong but needs changes

Black Triangle & Labrys Flag - The inverted black triangle and a flag featuring it. Harmful due to the triangle being predominantly a symbol of Romani genocide; it is inappropriate for non-Roma, including lesbians, to use

Born (AGAB) - Implies transgender people are born as their assigned gender. Instead, they should be referred to as assigned their AGAB or simply trans when needed
Homosexual - An outdated way to refer to gay people
Sex Reassignment Surgery - Outdated way to refer to Gender Reassignment Surgery

Transsexual - Outdated term for transgender people, mainly those who transition medically. The label is arguably transphobic

Outdated Terms
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